The League of Utter Disaster, Chaos, and Insanity Wiki

Jackals on the prowl.

Jackals are one of the many races in the Covenant. They are birdlike creatures native to Eayn that are used as snipers and marksmen by the Covenant due to their increased senses of hearing and sight. Jackals also carry large portable Energy Shields that protect them from attack. These shields are projected from a gauntlet on the Jackal's forearm.

Jackals and Grunts have a rivalry, since Jackals are physically weak, and they both share the lowest rank in the Covenant. The Jackals like to think they are higher in rank than the Grunts, but the Grunts are physically stronger.


A Jackal's ugly face

The Greatest Jackal ever known was the leader of their race, Jackass, who invented the memorable Jackal phrase 'Wrkutactatat!' which means 'Oh dear, I have happened across a big green shiny metal man, maybe I should stop talking and actually try and kill him before he kills me!'. Unfortunatly, Jackass died before he could say any more after this, he had his head beaten in through his usless shield by a Spartan.

Storm jackal

A Storm Covenant Jackal. They're even uglier!

Jackals are renowned smugglers and pirates, and they claim to have only joined the Covenant because they saw a viable business opportunity. It is true that they show little or no interest in the Covenant religion. However, that doesn't mean they don't have a religion of their own. Jackal Zealots worship famous Jackal pirates like Blackbeak and Jackal Sparrow, as piracy is supposedly the basis for all Jackal religions.

It appears that, in order to join the Storm Covenant, Jackals need to smash their faces against walls to made their face flat. This gives them a rather odd appearance but nevertheless doesn't seem to bother them.
